路博润Pearlthane MAXI 12T85E热塑性聚氨酯TPU
Technical Data Sheet Type: Pearlthane? MAXI 12T85E is a polyester-based thermoplastic polyurethane. Main Application: Extrusion Special Features: Medium hardness, good mechanical properties and outstanding abrasion resistance. *Based on extruded strips. Listed values are “typical (average) values” and should/can not be applied for specification purposes. See reverse side for processing information. Physical Properties* Value (Metric) Unit Test Method Hardness A/1 : 86 Shore A/D ISO 868 Specific Gravity 1.21 g/cm3 ISO 2781 Tensile Strength 42 MPa ISO 527-2/5A/500 Ultimate Elongation 580 % ISO 527-2/5A/500 Tensile Stress at 50 % Elongation MPa ISO 527-2/5A/500 100 % Elongation 6 MPa ISO 527-2/5A/500 300 % Elongation 10 MPa ISO 527-2/5A/500 Tear Strength Unnicked kN/m ISO 34-1B Abrasion Resistance 30 mm3 ISO 4649-A Vicat Softening Point °C ISO 306 (A5 |